National Curriculum Level II

The National Curriculum Level II ventures deeper into small-scale joinery, forge welding, and tool making. It covers most types of classic scrolls and teaches to forge to dimension.

A Level II certificate will be awarded to those who have completed all projects as outlined in the Level II description.  Students will have presented to their instructor the various exercise pieces together with the grille (see drawing), and have passed a verbal or written safety test. A checklist helps students and instructors to record progress. It is possible for students to design their own grille if it follows the rules outlined for the alternative Level II grille project.

Level II characterizes an Intermediate Blacksmith. Expect 18 months or more of practice to achieve this level. Two instructors certified for level II or higher have to recommend the student for certification.

To be certified as an instructor for Level II you have to complete Level II and all projects of Level III except the final grille project. All ABANA Curriculum Instructors have to demonstrate proficiency in demonstrating at the respective level and sign both the ABANA Safety Policy and the ABANA Non-Discrimination Policy.

Level I Curriculum
Level III Curriculum
Curriculum Instructors
