The Artist-Blacksmith’s Association of North America (ABANA) is a community of blacksmiths, artisans, and enthusiasts dedicated to the preservation and the advancement of blacksmithing as both profession and hobby. We strive to provide opportunities for individuals and local affiliate organizations to further their blacksmithing education, strengthen their skills, and hone their craft. Showcasing the rich and vibrant work of modern smiths, while providing historical context, is central to our mission as we work to increase awareness of the art and craft amongst design professionals, architects, and the public.

Forging Better Blacksmiths Since 1973
News & Events
Shop with AmazonSmile though February 20, 2023
Note: AmazonSmile is winding down its charitable giving program, but you can still shop through February 20, 2023! [...]
Free Issue of Mastercrafts Magazine
FREE GIFT! You read that right. Kilroy's Workshop is offering a free issue of Mastercrafts magazine. Aimed at [...]
Bangin’ on the Bayou XXIX: March 11-12, 2023
Bangin' on the Bayou XXIX, the Louisiana Metalsmith Association's 2023 Conference, will be held on March 11-12, 2023, [...]